Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!
Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!
Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!
Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!
Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!
Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!
Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!
Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!
Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!
Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!

Natural Process Bolivia - Stonecutter Coffee Series - NEW!


Our Stonecutter Coffee is a rotating highlight coffee series - a tribute to the rich history of Deer Isle's granite quarrying industry that peaked in the early 1900s. These beans are selected for their "je ne sais quoi" and often come to us from unique coffee producing regions of the world and embrace inventive processing methods. Limited amounts available, changing frequently, and now packaged in our one of a kind Stonecutter 10 oz. coffee tubes!

These tubes are a new package adventure for us. Designed and hand drawn by Deer Isle local Farrell Ruppert, they feature the slabs of granite quarried out of Stonington. Made of 100% FSC certified paper, soy ink, with gold foiled accents and a sticker of the current origin inside. For every tube made, a portion of profits are donated to One Tree Planted.

AIPEP is a small and mighty organization that provides us with our seasonal favorite chocolate-y medium roast Bolivian coffee we all love! They have created a Specialty Coffees Program with a few members who ha​ve previous experience in preparing lots for regional and national events. As a part of this initiative they sought support to develop infrastructure to prepare specialty coffees under this program more meticulously. This led them to submit a proposal to Cooperative Coffees for help in financing the construction of 30 covered drying tables. The​ cherries ​are hand selected before being laid out on ​the drying tables under full sun exposure. Cherries are moved every few hours to ensure homogeneous drying. Overall the drying process will last between 18-23 days, depending on the climate​.

We enhanced the natural sweetness of this coffee with high heat throughout the roasting process and we are getting notes of honeydew melon in the cup and on the nose, with notes of tamarind, a leguminous tree bearing edible fruit that is indigenous to tropical Africa and naturalized in Asia,​ with a unique, sweet-sour flavor​, a cross between lemon, apricot, and dates, with some mild earthiness​. This coffee has a beautiful light, tea-like body.

We have about 400 lbs. of this coffee. Make sure to try some. We are excited about our partnership in developing this microlot coffee! 

Tasting notes:  Honeydew melon, tamarind with a tea body

Roast level: light

Location: Caranavi, North Yungas, South Yungas, Larecaja and Franz Tamayo.

Latitude: 14º South

Certified Organic & Fair Trade

All tubes come Whole Bean. For ground beans please select "Ground" and specify your brew method in the "Special Instructions" box in the lower left corner on the Cart page. Default grind is drip.

Not available for recurring subscription due to limited quantity.